Our Community Values Statement

The values that we are committed to upholding span six categories:

We value a balance between personal privacy and participation in our larger community. We strive to be an affordable intentional community based on equality and inclusivity that is diverse in:

  Abilities Outlook
  Age Race
  Ethnicity Religion/Spirituality
  Income Sexual Orientation
  Interests Gender Identity

We endeavor to create a community with multiple opportunities to build rich varieties of friendship among people of all ages.

We value all community members and strive to treat each other with respect and consideration. We enjoy sharing our strengths, knowledge, and experiences so that together we can learn and grow. We seek the equitable sharing of work and costs—in particular, the sharing of good food, cooked by and for each other.

We endorse the cohousing values of living lightly on the earth and reducing the material excesses of our culture. It is our intention to own less and to share more.

Environmental Responsibility
We are environmentally proactive and strive to use resources efficiently and effectively.

Respect and Tolerance in Group Process
We employ a consensus model of decision-making, and we seek to create and use effective and supportive processes, including a process of conflict resolution. We encourage respect and tolerance for each individual’s views. We support our group process with clear written agreements.

We welcome opportunities to improve ourselves, our community, and our world with creative thinking, wider community involvement, and a sense of humor.

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© 2005 Eugene Downtown Cohousing